What Makes Speciality Coffee So Special? Why stock a speciality coffee machine for your customers?

What Makes Speciality Coffee So Special? Why stock a speciality coffee machine for your customers?

Ah, the elixir of life, the liquid gold that fuels our mornings and keeps us going throughout the day - coffee. But not just any coffee. We're talking about speciality coffee, the crème de la crème of the coffee world.

So, what exactly makes speciality coffee so special? Buckle up coffee enthusiasts, as we dive into the delightful depths of this caffeinated wonderland.

First things first, let's address the elephant in the room - sales. In these uncertain times, sales can be as unreliable as the milkshake machine at McDonalds (seriously, why is it such a gamble to order a shake…’will today be my lucky day?!’)

However, fear not, because we understand that businesses are seeking value and flexibility more than ever, and that's precisely what we offer in spades.

Now, let's talk about the magic that sets speciality coffee apart from the crowd. It all starts with the beans themselves. Speciality coffee is made from meticulously selected, high-quality Arabica beans. These beans are grown in specific microclimates, at higher altitudes, and under optimal conditions. They are handpicked with care, ensuring that only the ripest and finest beans make it into your cup.

The journey doesn't end there. After the careful cultivation and harvesting process, these precious beans undergo a meticulous roasting process. Expert coffee roasters masterfully roast the beans in small batches, carefully monitoring temperature and timing to bring out the nuanced flavours locked within. This artisanal approach to roasting results in a coffee that is bursting with rich aromas and complex taste profiles.

But it doesn't stop at the brewing process. Speciality coffee is all about sustainability and traceability. Coffee enthusiasts today are not only concerned with the taste but also with the social and environmental impact of their beloved beverage. Speciality coffee beans are often sourced from farmers who prioritize sustainable farming practices and fair trade. This means that with every sip, you're supporting a sustainable coffee ecosystem and the livelihoods of those who grow it.

The art of brewing speciality coffee is an experience in itself. Baristas who specialize in this craft take their time to ensure each cup is brewed to perfection. From carefully weighing the coffee grounds to using precise water temperatures, every detail is meticulously considered. The result? A cup of coffee that transcends the ordinary, transporting you to a realm of pure sensory delight…apparently 😊

And let's not forget the community that surrounds speciality coffee. Coffee lovers come together in coffee shops, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. These gathering places not only serve as a hub for caffeine aficionados but also as a platform for showcasing the artistry of coffee-making. It's a place where conversations flow as smoothly as the coffee, where ideas are born, and connections are made.

So, dear coffee roasters and coffee shop suppliers, speciality coffee is not just a beverage; it's an experience. It's the culmination of passion, expertise, and the pursuit of perfection. By embracing speciality coffee, you're not only offering your customers a superior product but also inviting them into a world of taste, sustainability, and community.


Biepi’s ‘Uptown’ commercial coffee machine is the perfect tool for creating the finest speciality coffee – innovative features that give you a new level of creativity and expert engineering giving the user confidence in their craft for years to come.

The Uptown’s spec matches machines that are nearly double the price tag of ‘trendy’ brands - the last time I checked, we’re not 14 on a playground comparing new trainers, so if the logo is the main deciding factor when choosing a coffee machine, your customers may also need to read this so they can be shown the light!

Our orders are in, and we've got plenty of stock to keep the coffee flowing. So, sit back, sip on a cup of speciality coffee, and savour the uniqueness that sets it apart.

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